Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wikileaks argument

I have chosen to debate that wikileaks is bad for our country. Every now and then, new secret documents are released to the public that could cause people to lose trust in their government. As a country, we have to stay united and all trust our government. The last time we distrusted the government and it led to war was the American revolution. We would not want that to happen again over some released documents. Also, these documents create tension between countries. If documents are released that say that bad things are happening in other countries, they would want to take action against the people who are commiting these crimes or doing bad things. Also, if the government wants to keep some things that they know the public will not like, they should have the right to keep it a secret. If they think that it could cause revolt in the United States, it is probably better kept a secret. The human public does not need to know what is happening in the war. That is for the people who work for the military and the Secretary of Defense to know.
I think that wikileaks should be taken off the internet quickly. Julian Assange should be put in prison for the documents he has released and the trouble he has caused. Some people may say that this is freedom of speech, but this is going to far. This is taking advantage of our unalienable rights and using it against the country. Here, the Iowa state daily explains why wikileaks is bad.
However, in the conduct of diplomacy and war, confidentiality is often vitally important because diplomacy is a lot like making chorizo sausages — it is not something you really want to see because it is messy and smelly. If WikiLeaks causes death or destroys the lives of people who are engaged in espionage, war or diplomacy and compromises security and aids rogue governments or terrorists, then that would clearly be bad.
 Here, they say that wikileaks is bad during a war, which we clearly are in. It can compromise security and puts people's lives in danger, all over the world. Even in the most secure countries. I believe that wikileaks is bad for the country and foreign relations.
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