Friday, January 14, 2011

Response to billy

I chose to respond to Billy's blog on global warming. In his post, Billy says that he believes that global warming was man made.  
So is global warming caused by humans or is it natural? I think that global warming is caused by humans. In the past there have been cold and warm weather periods and some scientists believe that it’s natural, but most scientists say that humans are the main cause. In recent graphs and scales CO2 levels seem to be rising up off the charts and the temperature seems to follow along meaning the more Co2 in the air the higher the temperature. We Americans live in a place were industries and companies are big in money and in pollution. 
I agree with Billy that global warming is caused by humans. I saw the movie "An Inconvenient Truth" last year and Billy is right about the Co2 levels. Also, temperatures in places that have humans are rising faster than in places such as Argentina. Yes, there are weather patterns but those usually can be proven by most scientists, not just 20%. I also think America should do more to help the environment since we contribute 25% of the world's pollution. We need to raise our standards and lead the way to a better environment. The problem is, it will be hard to transfer to alternative energy so quickly because we are so reliant on fossil fuels and natural gas. I think that while we should drive eco friendly cars that we should also reduce our carbon footprint at home. For example, instead of throwing things away that can be recycled, recycle them. People do not have to go all out to be super eco-friendly but that is their choice if they do. I also think that even though humans are a big cause of global warming, the Earth may be be in a slight warming period. (I have no evidence to back that up I am just saying that could be true.) In conclusion, I think everyone should at least do small things to reduce their carbon footprint and reduce the amount of pollution being put in to the air that we breathe.

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