Friday, January 28, 2011

Rebuttal to Adralyn

In her debate post, Adralyn says that teens should not be allowed to vote. She made many good points in her post. For example, she said that teens aren't responsible. She also said that they don't know politics as well as adults, and usually the only politics teens know are things their parents tell them. She also said that teens might just vote to look cool. I agree with these points but I think they could have been improved.
For example, she said that

In my opinion, I would say no teens should not have the right to vote..Because we are young and not mature enough to take upon a big responsibility.
Teen should not be able to vote because they might not be interested in politics but since they have to vote they will just chose anybody.
Teen should not be allowed to vote because they might do to just look cool. when you are given the right o vote that means you are responsible enough. But when you are doing it just to be cool then that not responsible.
She states her points here, and though they are good ones, they do not provide much detail. They just say her point. Throughout the post, their is not much to back up her points, just people saying that they felt that way as a teen.  I agree with her point that most teens do not know much about politics, but if she maybe included an article about how teens are not responsible or how they are more ignorant than adults, her point would have been stronger. It is true we do not want ignorant, stupid, or kids who think they know everything voting for the leader of our country.
The main thing that she needs to improve on is detail. If she added more to backup her point, or she gave places to read more, her argument would have been better. I think it was a good argument though and I agree with it. she makes strong points throughout that help back up her position. I think that if I originally thought teens should be able to vote, I would be persuaded otherwise.

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