Saturday, December 11, 2010

Response to Eric

  I chose to respond to Eric's post.
In my middle school, substitutes were also taking advantage of. Sometimes the substitute wouldn't know how the class works and people would making fun of them because of that. Usually the making fun part advantage wouldn't go to far, and the substitute would leave the day happy. But sometimes some students take it too far.  Sometimes an addicting feeling would come up and it's like they have to make fun of the substitute or they won't live happy. It's also like Luis said, about how some people try to impress their friends by doing so. It might be funny to the students but to the substitute, I think, it's really painful. Back when I was in 8th grade, I was part of a painful experience for a substitute. I'm really happy I'm in Asti now because the students here don't make fun of the substitutes. 
In every school, people take advantage of substitutes, even at Asti. Subs just get a note and the teacher says d this, but they dont know where things are, how things work, who acts up, or what to do if some one is acting up. Usually they dont do anything, but the occasional sub will send you to the office of give you a detention. Also, there is always that occasional cocky sub who thinks they run the school. These are annoying because they will give everyone detentions.
Also, when you have subs, no one gets any work done. Everyone is talking and the people who want to concentrate cant because everyone else is either in their face about something or talking so loud that no one can concentrate. Also, now in high school, if you can get something done in school, it is good. Also, most times, people do not make fun of subs. Some are just rude and annoying to the students and/or the sub and sometimes the sub does not get that they are making fun of them and they just laugh like they know whats going on. I dont always think this is funny but if I told the sub then everyone would hate me. Please comment or respond.

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