Saturday, December 11, 2010

Dog nighttime book post #2

In our most recent discussion about The Curious Incident of the Dog in The Night time, we talked about how we proved our prediction right about the mom being alive. We also discussed some things we have been noticing while reading the book. I said that i keep thinking that he is younger than fifteen years old and he seems like he is nine or ten. We also asked the question, how do most autistic people relate to Chris's character? We pointed out to each other that there are different levels of autism and autistic people his age do not probably act like that. We pointed out that Chris has more memory space in his brain than other people and that his brain works like a computer. In response to this, Ashli asked will his brain run out of space because he remembers almost everything. I thought this was a good question but I did not know how to answer it.
So far, I am enjoying this book. I like this author's style of writing because he explains things in detail from an autistic person's point of view which helps you learn how other people think.
I had many questions when i read this section of the book. First of all, will Ms. Alexander tell Chris's father he is running away? I think this because he told her he was running away and he was about to let her take care of his rat. I think it would be her responsibility to tell Chris's father about Chris running away because Chris could be in danger going to a foreign place. Also, Why is his mom's house his only option to be safe. Isn't the reason she left mostly because of Chris? I think that if Chris goes to his mom's house, she will send him back and he will be scared for his life.
I like many things about Chris's character. First of all, I like how he pays a lot of attention to detail. On page142, he tells how he would remember thirty eight things about a field and normal people would only remember small things such as what there are some cows. He would remember the exact number of cows and  their pattern. Also, I like how he is very logical. He takes logical steps some of which may be logical in his mind but not in other people's minds.

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