Saturday, December 4, 2010

Dog in the Night-Time post #1

After I finished the first assigned section of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, I found many connections within the book and also had some questions. I noticed throughout the book that Chris has trouble with emotion. On page 7, the police question him as to whether he killed the dog or not. He easily answers the questions about what he was doing there but when the cop asks him if he is upset about this, he becomes overwhelmed and puts his head on the grass. Throughout the book, he has had trouble with this. When Ms. Alexander told him his mother had an affair, he did not know what to feel because his mom is dead. I have also noticed that he is extremely logical. When he explains how Marylin Savant is correct, he lays out each step to prove his point, even when PhD's dismissed Savant's argument as incorrect. He also pays a lot of attention to detail. He describes peoples' shoelaces and also how they smell and many other things that are usually perceived as useless extra detail in a book. I think this adds to the story and helps the reader learn more about autistic people. I think this book's purpose is to promote tolerance and to teach people about kids with autism and how life can be hard for them.
I had many questions after i read the first section. First; Will his attention to detail help him in the investigation? Also; What is the difference between autistic people and people with OCD? Also, Did his dad use Chris's mother's death as an excuse to get her away because she was cheating? We talked about this in our discussion. Elton said that he does not believe that she really died but that was just a way for his dad to not tell chris that his mom cheated. I agree with him but they made it very believable that she died because it was from Chris's perspective. I also think that because Chris's mom had an affair with Mr.Shears, that maybe Chris's dad killed the dog.
So far, I  have enjoyed this book and I am happy with the way we are supposed to annotate because I get more out of the book.

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