Thursday, December 16, 2010

Response to sam 12/16

I chose to respond to Sam's book post on the growth of Christopher.
 In the beginning of the book, Christopher was not able to process any emotion, he couldn’t tell when he was happy or sad, and when he tried to tell what other people felt, he would get frustrated and scream or groan.  At the very end of the book, we get a sure sign that his condition will get better when he is able to process the feeling of joy that came from passing his math exam and tell readers exactly how he felt.  I wish my group had a little more time to go over more though.  I don’t believe we covered other Characters in the story as much as we could.  I think his mom had also grown a lot since she left, and I think his dad had worsened after Christopher left.  Also I wished we spent more time discussing his social problems.  It seemed that whenever he tried to communicate with strangers they would get mad at him.  I am still curious about if people are aware of his disorder.
I agree with Sam that Christopher has grown over the course of the book. In the beginning, he would just groan to drown his problems out but as the book progressed, he started to become more and more adaptive to new challenges. When he has to find the train station, he breaks out of his comfort zone and asks a lady how to get there. Also, when he is at the train station, he gets his ticket and it is yellow. No matter how much he detests yellow, he has to deal with it to find his mother. After Christopher left, I definitely think he worsened. When Chris got back and started to trust him more, he felt better and realized it was good to spend time with family. I think that everyone grew in this story, even if they were not mentioned. Siobhan probably learned more about Chris, Ms. Alexander got to experience the company of an autistic kid, ad his father learned more about the importance of family trust.

Dog in nighttime post 3

After reading The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime, I noticed a theme. I noticed that Chris gets to the same solution a regular person would just in a different way. For example, someone might find out their mom is alive just by someone telling them. Christopher had to go through the steps of solving Wellington's murder to find out his father lied to him. This is a big theme throughout the story. I have also noticed that each event leads up to the next. For example, Chris finds Wellington which leads him to an investigation which helps him find out that his mother is still alive and she had an affair with Mr. Shears.
I enjoyed the ending of this book because it was good to see that Chris trusted his dad more and he spent more time with him. Also, he got to spend time with his mother. I think this was a good ending because it was what Chris and his dad mostly wanted. Chris wanted to see his mother and Chris's dad got to spend more time with him and start to regain his trust.
I noticed that throughout the last section of the book, I felt badly for Chris's father. I felt bad because he was dealing with his child running away to the woman who left him for his neighbor.
Throughout the book, Chris slowly got over his fears. He is always getting out of his comfort zone. For example, when he is finding the train station, he has to talk to a stranger. Also, he gets a train ticket at the station and it is yellow, which he hates. No matter what, he has to take the ticket to find his mother.
I think this story has really good imagery. Because he is autistic, he pays a lot of attention to detail and remembers much of it. It gives the reader a good idea of what everything looks like and helps you focus on the plot instead of trying to imagine the imagery. Also, I like how the author includes random things that appear to have nothing to do with the story. Some infuse humor and some are just there because he wants to show what autistic people are like.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Response to Eric

  I chose to respond to Eric's post.
In my middle school, substitutes were also taking advantage of. Sometimes the substitute wouldn't know how the class works and people would making fun of them because of that. Usually the making fun part advantage wouldn't go to far, and the substitute would leave the day happy. But sometimes some students take it too far.  Sometimes an addicting feeling would come up and it's like they have to make fun of the substitute or they won't live happy. It's also like Luis said, about how some people try to impress their friends by doing so. It might be funny to the students but to the substitute, I think, it's really painful. Back when I was in 8th grade, I was part of a painful experience for a substitute. I'm really happy I'm in Asti now because the students here don't make fun of the substitutes. 
In every school, people take advantage of substitutes, even at Asti. Subs just get a note and the teacher says d this, but they dont know where things are, how things work, who acts up, or what to do if some one is acting up. Usually they dont do anything, but the occasional sub will send you to the office of give you a detention. Also, there is always that occasional cocky sub who thinks they run the school. These are annoying because they will give everyone detentions.
Also, when you have subs, no one gets any work done. Everyone is talking and the people who want to concentrate cant because everyone else is either in their face about something or talking so loud that no one can concentrate. Also, now in high school, if you can get something done in school, it is good. Also, most times, people do not make fun of subs. Some are just rude and annoying to the students and/or the sub and sometimes the sub does not get that they are making fun of them and they just laugh like they know whats going on. I dont always think this is funny but if I told the sub then everyone would hate me. Please comment or respond.

Dog nighttime book post #2

In our most recent discussion about The Curious Incident of the Dog in The Night time, we talked about how we proved our prediction right about the mom being alive. We also discussed some things we have been noticing while reading the book. I said that i keep thinking that he is younger than fifteen years old and he seems like he is nine or ten. We also asked the question, how do most autistic people relate to Chris's character? We pointed out to each other that there are different levels of autism and autistic people his age do not probably act like that. We pointed out that Chris has more memory space in his brain than other people and that his brain works like a computer. In response to this, Ashli asked will his brain run out of space because he remembers almost everything. I thought this was a good question but I did not know how to answer it.
So far, I am enjoying this book. I like this author's style of writing because he explains things in detail from an autistic person's point of view which helps you learn how other people think.
I had many questions when i read this section of the book. First of all, will Ms. Alexander tell Chris's father he is running away? I think this because he told her he was running away and he was about to let her take care of his rat. I think it would be her responsibility to tell Chris's father about Chris running away because Chris could be in danger going to a foreign place. Also, Why is his mom's house his only option to be safe. Isn't the reason she left mostly because of Chris? I think that if Chris goes to his mom's house, she will send him back and he will be scared for his life.
I like many things about Chris's character. First of all, I like how he pays a lot of attention to detail. On page142, he tells how he would remember thirty eight things about a field and normal people would only remember small things such as what there are some cows. He would remember the exact number of cows and  their pattern. Also, I like how he is very logical. He takes logical steps some of which may be logical in his mind but not in other people's minds.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Response 12/4 why choose ipad?

I  chose to respond to Billy's blog post
Why choose iPad ? Many have wondered about this and still have trouble finding why. Well, what is an iPad? An iPad is a tablet computer made by Apple. It is made for reading audio books,watching movies, browsing the web, listening to music, and most importantly playing games. An iPad is portable and a lot bigger than the Ipod touch or the Iphone, but it does mostly the same task like them. A iPad's starting price is 499 US dollars, a lot more compared to the Ipod touch, but also a lot better in many ways.The iPad has a multitouch surface, allowing you to touch the surface with two fingers and both fingers will work finely. The battery is said to last up to 10 hours of video, 140 hours of audio playback, or one month on standby.
 Why choose Ipad? It does the same thing (sometimes less) as many other tablets just for a higher price for the brand name. The blackberry playbook has live video chat, flash payer built in (which the IPAD does not have), youtube, blackberry compatibility, and any more features. I am responding to this because I wanted to show that there are other things you can get that do more than the Ipad but they aren't advertised for as much.Also, Samsung has come out with a product called the  galaxy tab that runs android OS. This does just about the same as the Ipad. I feel that many people just go for apple products now because they are more "reliable" whereas now almost every product you buy is reliable. Also, most phones come with multi touch and usually the battery stats on any thing are usually incorrect. You also said the Ipad does a lot more than the ipod touch, but  the things you mentioned are also avaliable on ipods and iphones running ios 4.0. Also, all apple products do not run flash. Now many of the phones priced the same as the iphone run flash which is very useful to have everywhere especially on the go.

Dog in the Night-Time post #1

After I finished the first assigned section of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time, I found many connections within the book and also had some questions. I noticed throughout the book that Chris has trouble with emotion. On page 7, the police question him as to whether he killed the dog or not. He easily answers the questions about what he was doing there but when the cop asks him if he is upset about this, he becomes overwhelmed and puts his head on the grass. Throughout the book, he has had trouble with this. When Ms. Alexander told him his mother had an affair, he did not know what to feel because his mom is dead. I have also noticed that he is extremely logical. When he explains how Marylin Savant is correct, he lays out each step to prove his point, even when PhD's dismissed Savant's argument as incorrect. He also pays a lot of attention to detail. He describes peoples' shoelaces and also how they smell and many other things that are usually perceived as useless extra detail in a book. I think this adds to the story and helps the reader learn more about autistic people. I think this book's purpose is to promote tolerance and to teach people about kids with autism and how life can be hard for them.
I had many questions after i read the first section. First; Will his attention to detail help him in the investigation? Also; What is the difference between autistic people and people with OCD? Also, Did his dad use Chris's mother's death as an excuse to get her away because she was cheating? We talked about this in our discussion. Elton said that he does not believe that she really died but that was just a way for his dad to not tell chris that his mom cheated. I agree with him but they made it very believable that she died because it was from Chris's perspective. I also think that because Chris's mom had an affair with Mr.Shears, that maybe Chris's dad killed the dog.
So far, I  have enjoyed this book and I am happy with the way we are supposed to annotate because I get more out of the book.