Friday, November 5, 2010

response to Ivan 11/5

I responded to Ivans post
Not only could Facebook be harmful in ways of robbery of things, identity theft, and people getting stalked and searched and rape. Facebook could also get into someone’s mind and begging to addict them, making it a priority for people to get on a computer and start posting. With posting comes some consequences such as bullying and also people knowing the every movement that a person is taking where they live and are in the moment when they are alone, when they are in the bathroom, eating and everything else that they are doing.  People take advantage and now creepers don’t have to leave for little kids to chase they just hop on a computer! Does this give too much power to pedophiles???????? PLEASE RESPOND UR THOUGHTS ABOUT GIVING PEDOPHILES AN ADVANTAGE!
 I want to respond to this post because I agree with it. I think facebook needs to step up its privacy settings because in the modern age, anyone can search for you, find out where you live, and stare at pictures of you at one click. With facebook, I dont think bullying is a big issue but I think if someone is going to post something about another person, that person that it is about should approve it first. I think bullying comes more with formspring. On that, you can ask any anonymous question and the people can respond. This can lead to bullying, however, if you lack self esteem or confidence you may not want to create one. 
Also, ivan mentioned that creepers can look at your profile and stalk you. There are settings you can set to only let friends see your profile. If you add a pedophile, you can still remove them, even though I dont know anyone who would add a pedophile in the first place. In the end, I think facebook only gives pedophiles a small advantage, because they can stalk you on facebook. On the postive side though, the more time they are on facebook, the less time they may be looking for you in real life.
Please respond with your thoughts.

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