Monday, November 1, 2010

The Kite Runner 11/1/10

 When I read the Kite Runner, many questions come in to my mind. For instance, Why did Amir want Hassan to leave? Also, why did he not help Hassan? Everything would have turned out much better if he had tried to help or ran to get help. On  page 72, right before Hassan gets raped, Assef questions Hassan's loyalty to Amir. He says, " But before you sacrifice yourself for him, think about this:  would he do the same for you?" "We are friends," Hassan says. " don't fool yourself and think your something your not." Amir is listening to this whole conversation. For me, that would immediately make we want to help Hassan, not that I wouldn't anyway. I am surprised that this does not convince Amir to help his friend, whether he be his friend or not. 
I think that the Author's purpose in this section of the story is to show the importance of friendship. For Amir, his friendship with Hassan has been necessary for him in his youth. Amir has trouble making friends because he is not good at many things. His father has tried many times to get him interested in Soccer and sports, but he is just not athletic, which is why he has Hassan. Hassan is illiterate but good at sports. Amir is the opposite. In this case, opposites attract. amir is from a wealthy family and Hassan is not. They each have each other to entertain each other. 
For this author's style of writing, i like the way he describes critical moments in the  story in depth and uses a lot of diolauge. 
One question I forgot to mention in the first paragraph is How did Hassan feel after the rape. I think this question is a level two question because it can be answered by reading between the lines. The answer never presents itself in the text. I think Hassan felt depressed after the rape, however, I was surprised when he wanted to play with Amir again. I am not surprised when Amir did not want to play because he had just witnessed something terrible. I am surprised, however, when Amir wanted Hassan and his family to leave.

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