Monday, November 8, 2010

kite runner response #2

After reading the second section we were assigned, i know this is a chilling tale of modern Afghanistan. The Taliban have control and are making it place of genocide and hate.
I have just read that Amir is going to Kabul to get Hassan's orphaned son. When Rahim Khan first asks him to this, he refuses. In our literature circle discussion, we contemplated the idea that he was scared of Kabul, and all of the terrible things happening. Or, that he did not want to get Hassan's son because he did not want to have feelings of guilt. I believe that he refuses in the beginning for both reasons. He is scared of the Taliban and also  has feelings of guilt from watching Hassan's rape and now Hassan is dead. Since Hassan is dead, he can't get closure from him and there will always be a an emptiness inside of him. I think, initially, because he refused he is selfish. He only cares for himself and doesnt want to help Hassan's child because he fears for himself. Just because he is afraid of Kabul doesnt mean he should not help a friend.
In our discussion, we also talked about  how and why Baba did not tell Hassan and Amir about their relationship. We came up with a few responses. First, it might be that Baba let Ali adopt Hassan because he  was sterile, and he did not want their father-son relationship to be messed up. Second, it might be that he didnt want another son. We dismissed this idea quickly.
When i read, many questions come into my head. First of all, why does he always hesitate when people ask if Hassan is a friend? I do not think that it is about status now that he is older, rather resentment from not helping him. This time, he thinks Hassan might not think of him as a friend. My second question is why would Baba hide the fact that Hassan is his brother? Why was he selfish enough to hide the fact that Amir had a brother?
please comment or respond.

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