Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Colin Forbes
Sutherland, 2nd period
Qwfwq just found out that his ex- fiancee is going to marry his uncle. This is upsetting to him but he accepts it. “They all had something, I know, that made them somehow superior to me, sublime, something that made me, compared to them, mediocre, and yet i wouldn’t have traded places with any of them.” In this quote, the author is trying to show that Qwfwq is happy with who he is and he doesn’t want to change.
In this quote, Q just meets the new ones. Q is still a dinosaur, but the new are scared of dinosaurs. Q looks scared. “You looked as if you had seen a... dinosaur, but in that laughter, I sensed for the first time a bit of apprehension. Their good humor was a bit forced.” In this quote, the author is trying to connect to real life. He is saying that people do not get other people, whether they are a different race, color, or creed. He is saying people are ignorant of each other and other cultures. This is an example of people thinking badly of other people.
Before this quote, the new ones find out dinosaurs are about to attack. They do not know for sure if they are dinosaurs but are preparing for the worst. “ It was if the new ones wanted at the same time to defend themselves, to flee, to wipe out the enemy, and to be defeated. This uncertainty was reflected in in the disorder of their defense preperations.” This is important because it relates to real life in a couple ways. It shows the readiness of some countries if an attack were to take place, and it also shows how people misunderstand others.

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