Thursday, September 16, 2010

response #2 9/16

i chose to respond to Vic's blog post
Witnessing bullying or harassment is horrible to watch when it has happening to a close friend or a helpless person. A time when I have been part of an alliance that made someone feel bad was a regret and is a regret everyone will decide later on. Harassment towards that person was led to anger and hatred towards him. This made me feel better as it made him feel worse. With an alliance of people on my side in agreement made me feel right and the victim being hated not only by me, but everyone else. During this moment, I felt relief as everyone agreed with me, but looking back I feel I have lost a relationship that could’ve prospered throughout years and years of school. Doing this, I was flustered with a successful feeling, but I feel now that that harassment towards him was not worth losing a relationship with a human being and that I should make it up to him. There are others times being part of an alliance with someone else that made another person feel bad, but that was not real hatred towards the other person, but just being helpful to a friend in need of humans that agree with him. As humans, ganging up with an alliance to cause harassment to a specific person will not always give the relief that it gives during the moment.
       In his post Vic says that he felt really regretful for bullying. i have had the same experience. i feel bad for doing what i did. This happens with most people. In his post, he also says he felt relief when he noticed everyone agreed with him to hate the kid. This usually only lasts a little while but then after you regret it. Bullying is a simple thing that is easy to stop. with a little will power, everyone can be professional and tolerate everyone else.

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