Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Colin Forbes
Sutherland, 2nd period
Qwfwq just found out that his ex- fiancee is going to marry his uncle. This is upsetting to him but he accepts it. “They all had something, I know, that made them somehow superior to me, sublime, something that made me, compared to them, mediocre, and yet i wouldn’t have traded places with any of them.” In this quote, the author is trying to show that Qwfwq is happy with who he is and he doesn’t want to change.
In this quote, Q just meets the new ones. Q is still a dinosaur, but the new are scared of dinosaurs. Q looks scared. “You looked as if you had seen a... dinosaur, but in that laughter, I sensed for the first time a bit of apprehension. Their good humor was a bit forced.” In this quote, the author is trying to connect to real life. He is saying that people do not get other people, whether they are a different race, color, or creed. He is saying people are ignorant of each other and other cultures. This is an example of people thinking badly of other people.
Before this quote, the new ones find out dinosaurs are about to attack. They do not know for sure if they are dinosaurs but are preparing for the worst. “ It was if the new ones wanted at the same time to defend themselves, to flee, to wipe out the enemy, and to be defeated. This uncertainty was reflected in in the disorder of their defense preperations.” This is important because it relates to real life in a couple ways. It shows the readiness of some countries if an attack were to take place, and it also shows how people misunderstand others.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Ivans post

 I chose to respond to ivan's post.

Ivan:When a person enters a store they become a different person, and everything in their mind is set to buy things and add many things to their closet. Ann addict may waste from a range of $150 and sooooo on they can go on forever. And the sad thing about people that are making the purchase is that they are not making their purchase with their own money, they would rather use their Credit Card!  So many people are in a large amount of debt because of  Credit Card purchases made from buying clothes.  People do not know how to control themselves and their urges for wasting money. many people buy a bulk amount of clothing but also they waste a greater amount because they would rather spend it on brand name clothing instead of same material clothes that are cheaper. Wouldn’t it make more sense to buy more clothes that are cheaper that would average the same amount of buying a lower amount of brand name clothing? 
 Colin: This is important because it shows that poeple spend alot on name brand clothes when they can just buy generic brands. This is true for alot of stuff. At safeway, the safeway brand is cheaper, and usually jnot any different. This is just like the response in the reader. It showed how people carea bout designer and name brand things just for status. Some people, however, chose to save money on things like clothes, food, and other things. Also, poeple abuse credit cards. They trick themselves into believing that it has unlimited money, but when the bills come, they get a reality check. People can get addicted to shopping just like anything else and it can cause people to go deep into debt. Also, Ivan says in the middle of the quote that people cant resist the urge to spend money. I agree with this statement in some cases because not all people have the urge to spend too much money. Also, he asks whether you would rather have cheaper clothes or pricey name brand clothes. He brings up a good point because it is what everybody does, and has a really hard time stopping. It is hard for people to say no to a "Coach" label than to some fake thing that looks just like it.It is the same FRAMEWORK. It is all about reputation, HENCE, the reason people buy these things.

Asti size response

I chose to respond to amber's post regarding asti's size.
Today, we had a PTSA meeting at school, and we came to the topic of the possible size increase for ASTI.  Mr. Fong talked about how AUSD was planning to increase ASTI's size to 400 students, but the grades levels would be from seventh grade to twelfth grade.  The students would not be at the portable campus only, but supposedly, we would have the seventh and eight graders at a different campus, and the ninth through twelfth graders at the ASTI and COA campus.  Even though it is somewhat a good and a bad thing to be able to increase the size of ASTI, I personally would like it better if we could keep the ASTI size the same as it is now.

As many of you know, there have been major budget cuts this year, and the Parcel Tax did not get passed, so a lot of the funding for schools has been drastically lowered, and we do not have as many funds to pay for textbooks and teachers.

I chose ASTI because of its small size.  Its small size it what makes it a good school. Everybody gets more attention and personal help in getting to college. If ASTI was to increase, it would cost more for the district. They are alreadyn in the middle of a big budget crisis and California is in the middle of a huge budget crisis. ASti needs to stay the way it is now. It can increase to maybe 200 or 225 but and more is too much. Asti is a small family and it should stay that way. Most people know each other and it should stay that way. Even the principal knows everyone. That does not happen at a big school such as alameda high. Since the principal knows everyone, it is a more enjoyable environment. Everybody is nice and caring to each other. Also, ASTI does not have sufficient space for more people. The class sizes will increase, therefore, defeating the purpose by which this school was founded. It was founded to create an academic, small learning environment with more personal help. Also, it was founded to help kids get to college, whether they are first generation college bound or not, it help to have a head start in the competitive game of life.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

10 words


Thursday, September 16, 2010

response #2 9/16

i chose to respond to Vic's blog post
Witnessing bullying or harassment is horrible to watch when it has happening to a close friend or a helpless person. A time when I have been part of an alliance that made someone feel bad was a regret and is a regret everyone will decide later on. Harassment towards that person was led to anger and hatred towards him. This made me feel better as it made him feel worse. With an alliance of people on my side in agreement made me feel right and the victim being hated not only by me, but everyone else. During this moment, I felt relief as everyone agreed with me, but looking back I feel I have lost a relationship that could’ve prospered throughout years and years of school. Doing this, I was flustered with a successful feeling, but I feel now that that harassment towards him was not worth losing a relationship with a human being and that I should make it up to him. There are others times being part of an alliance with someone else that made another person feel bad, but that was not real hatred towards the other person, but just being helpful to a friend in need of humans that agree with him. As humans, ganging up with an alliance to cause harassment to a specific person will not always give the relief that it gives during the moment.
       In his post Vic says that he felt really regretful for bullying. i have had the same experience. i feel bad for doing what i did. This happens with most people. In his post, he also says he felt relief when he noticed everyone agreed with him to hate the kid. This usually only lasts a little while but then after you regret it. Bullying is a simple thing that is easy to stop. with a little will power, everyone can be professional and tolerate everyone else.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I chose to respond to my debate opponent Bany's rebuttal. Here it is:
Medical Marijuana has helped some patients, ( yeah, only some NOT ALL PATIENTS). But, there can be some serious consequences that may occur if not taken with responsibility and common sense. People may become addicted to marijuana because of the THC, Tetrahydrocannabinol, is the active ingredient in cannabis. People who take the medicine think that they are feeling better, but really just feel high. It can also affect children by watching their parents take the ''medicine'' and think it is okay. It can also lead to others selling it to others who don't need it and earning profit. That is selling illegal marijuana and can affect people by just using it to sell it and not helping patients. Last of all. Marijuana is still a drug. You simply cannot change that. So, why would people want to add even ore side affects by using marijuana as a medicine, when already there is no cure for the patient.

Pro Rebuttal:

''Medical Marijuana helps patients with their pain'' (Con's opening Statement)

Here are my reasons with evidence and my feedback on them:

Medical Marijuana has been a legal medicine since 1996. It can help relief pain for some patients, not all, but can be taken as an advantage.

People become addicted to it after having the experience of supposedly feeling less pain, but really just feeling high.

THC, Tetrahydrocannabinol, is the active ingredient in cannibus.

Like any other powerful, mood altering substance, people who are prone to chemical dependency can become addicted to marijuana.

High doses of marijuana can produce an acute psychotic reaction, and research suggests that in vulnerable individuals, marijuana use may be a factor that increases risk for the disease. From- www.addict-help.com/ 

           Medical marijuana has been used as a medicine since 1996. If they knew it was bad for you, they would have illegalized it already as a medicine. Also, you bring up the points that it helps some patients. Doctors go to college for 8 or more years to get where they are now. They know how to prescribe it. It is not the most powerful drug and it is much safer than some traditional medicines. Also, it is mainly used for terminally ill patients. Are you saying they shouldn't have comfort? What if you were ill and needed medical marijuana? Think about that. 
           This also brings of the topic of legalization to the public. There would be an age requirement, just like medical marijuana, and it would be very expensive. this would boost the economy and reduce crime if marijuana is legalized. it is just a plant. Also, it has been researched many times to know if it is safe for the public or not.
            You also said it can get addicting. So can a lot of other stuff. Food for example. If you get hooked on Doritos that's bad. Alot of things are bad and addicting. What you are basically saying is that marijuana is as bad as doritos. Also, you did not cite where you got your information. This invalidates most of it, because you could have made it up. You also say people can sell it, but imagine if you were in that situation. Would you want comfort  or a little bit of quick cash? you probably chose the comfort. me too. Who would want to sell there comfort away if they are dying? What will they spend the money on? Even if they do spend it, they will probably die soon (no offense intended). You also said they are just feeling high. This is true with a lot of medicines. When i was in the hospital a year ago, they gave me strong meds. these didn't stop the pain, they just put in in a better state of mind and feeling and slowly surpressed the pain. 

Monday, September 13, 2010


mr xuan helped click to got to his blog       David Hadorn, MD, PHD, said that he "has many patients with muscle spasms, nausea, anorexia and other unpleasant symptons obtain significant -- often remarkable -- relief from cannabis, well beyond what had been provided by traditional pain relievers." Cannabis has been used as medicine since the beginning of time. just because some people have misused this, this does not mean people should stop getting relief.
       Davis l bearman, md, said that he has never seen any documentd risks of cannibis. Some people say its a gateway drug to other drugs, but this has never been proven. The con side says this increases heartbeat, however this is wrong. it slows down the heartbeat to relieve muscles.
       Cannabis is mostly used for teminally ill patients. Are you saying terminally ill patients should not get the comfort that they deserve? Cannabis helps people more than traditional medicines.
    First fact is listed below: “EVIDENCE”
“Increased heartbeat.
Generally, it slows down in about 20 minutes.
Drop of the pressure in your eyeball.
Change of blood pressure.
Sense of cold or hot hands and feet.
Discoloration of the white of the eye to somewhat pink because of dilation of the vessels in the conjunctiva of the eye.
Relaxation of the muscles.
A dry mouth.”
this is the con sides "evidence" which they did not cite, and this has not been proven.
The hearbeat does not increase, it decreases. This is just for terminally ill patients, who use it in maturity. Also, the doctors know how much to prescribe, so they dont get too high and they use it correctly.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Opening statement

Pro: Medical Marijuana
We believe marijuana should be a medial option for “medical reasons”. We believe con is wrong and can’t beat us because people with medical problems need it to treat the pain. Joycelyn Elders, MD, former US Surgeon General, wrote that medical marijuana can relieve certain types of pain, nausea, and the “symptoms caused by such illnesses as multiple sclerosis, cancer and AIDS -- or by the harsh drugs sometimes used to treat them. And it can do so with remarkable safety. Indeed, marijuana is less toxic than many of the drugs that physicians prescribe every day.” We believe that if medical people need the drugs to feel better or normal then they are able to recover with it, though it may be just a little addicting. If taken too much.this stuff can relieve many symptoms of stress and pain and can  be beneficial in many lives. Should Terminally ill people suffer if they are about to die, or should they be allowed comfort? you decide.