Thursday, August 26, 2010

 I picked this quote from Christian Cortez's blog.
 They mainly picked on me because I was standing up to them. They called me racist names and wanting to know what race I was. I fought back at them with making fun of them for thinking I was a certain race even though I was not. Yes, I used humor to get back at them. At the time I felt it was the best way to defuse the situation. By the end of the day many people knew I had stood up to this group of bullies.

When this happened, I felt a mix of many strong emotions, sadness, guilt, anger, and even happiness. When I stood up to these people, I felt strong, and powerful and in control. However, after the incident, I felt guilty for stooping to their level by calling them names. I really did not know what to think for the fact was I was very confused by the matter. I told my parents, and like me, they felt mixed emotions about the whole thing as well. 

It did lead to a whole discussion about bullying in our home and when it was appropriate to stand up for your self. 
This quote shows that even in tough situations, you have to speak up for yourself and others. In this situation, a group of people were bullying Christian and his friend. Christian did no like this so he stood up for himself and his friend. I think he made a good decision to stand up for himself because if he didn't, they might have kept bullying him. Also, he would've felt much worse if he just sat there and took their insults. I think he made a good  decision to defuse the situation with humor instead of insulting back. This shows that he is resolving conflict peacefully, which is a good thing to do. Instead of punching or getting someone else to, he chose to defuse the situation with humor.
The ASTI constitution consists of ten things:
1. Think before you speak or act
2. Include, don't exclude
3. Accept others for who they are
4. Build mutual trust or respect
5. Assume positive intent
6. Speak up for yourself and others
7. Strive to understand where other people are coming from/be empathetic
8. Take responsibility for your actions and words
9. Make a positive impact on the people and environment around you
10. Resolve conflict peacefully
These ten things are necessary for an accepting, tolerant, and diverse learning community. No one should be bullied because they are different. No one should be bullied at all. If everyone follows these rules, everyone should have a great learning experience at ASTI.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"Just Kidding", and Ganging Up

In previous years, I have had experience being in an alliance and being ganged up on. When you are made fun of, you feel terrible. You feel like no one is on your side. For some people, bullying makes them feel powerful, and i believe this is why they do it, but for me it drags me down further by getting me in trouble and making me feel bad. When you are being mean to other people, it only makes people like you for a little while. One time, i made the mistake of being mean to someone. I was not the leader but i still participated. I did not have many options because of peer pressure and this kid hit me with a basketball. I know this is not a good reason to be mean, however, i was mad. I could have, and probably should have avoided the situation. Also, i have been made fun of before and this feels terrible.